Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Specks In Jacuzzi

three days to relax, meet other Christians, to experience the joy of Mercy and grow in confidence. - Displays and registration form. ..

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For Congress National Mercy Lisieux, GLORIOUS animate the evenings.
Discover these young musicians in their present parish com /

For minors, it is necessary to complete this parental consent form and Liaison

Menstrual Hemorrhoids

Experiencing the time of Advent in praying to the Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy Prayer

Sunday, November 28, we enter the Advent season.
We offer:

• Say this prayer every day so beautiful and simple, which uses the same words of Elizabeth, the "Hail Mary" . This prayer, which reflects our love and our confidence in our Mother, Mary Mother of Mercy helps us open our hearts to the Lord, waiting for his coming at Christmas.

• listen to what Hail Mary (composed by Glorious, a group that will hold vigils at the mercy of the next National Congress Mercy Lisieux, the 19/21 February 2010).
To listen to the song:

"Ave Maria" : from the album Generation Praise "GLORIOUS
Album available in Christian bookstores © 2008 Joy to the world"

By its beauty immaculate creature, completely surrendered to God, by her maternal concern, the Virgin Mary can help us to desire the coming of the Savior, to open ourselves to the grace of God, to get rid of all that we know, we slowed our journey toward Christ, in our attention and service to others.

Virgin Mary, waiting for Christ, setting off with Joseph to Bethlehem for the census, shows us the path of surrender to God's will, obedience, service, detachment and accuracy in respect of certain resources (material and immaterial: our time, our relationships with family and friends, etc..) to go to meet God.

The Virgin Mary lived with God unique privacy, it teaches us to "remember and think about all the events, to pray God to enter into an intimate dialogue with Him, reading the Word of God and put it into practice.

The Virgin Mary help us to welcome Jesus at Christmas Little Children, Jesus Merciful.