Sunday, July 25, 2010

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Question: What will he stay in the forest and farmland Bouskoura side in near future ? Sure and certain thing, the current situation worries me.

Every time I take the road to Agadir via the motorway from Casablanca, it is with sadness that I watch helpless and annoyed at the invasion of concrete on farmland peripheral sprawling megalopolis. I remember when I went to child Messoud Sidi is known for its souk and gargottes (Well, there's marabou saint and I do not care about that). Access required a taxi or a large car but the area was agricultural and green. Since the latter half of the 90s, we see more and more buildings in this area: villas, shopping malls and other structures. Besides, I find it strange to the fact ISCAE out there in the 70s. Also, building luxury villas on agricultural land is simply nonsense because they forgot one thing: we simply ransacking the attic that provides Casablanca and other urban needs in vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Well, what I can say is where you go. Forest Bouskoura knows its most difficult times and I still remember the attacks of wild boar on the nearby villages because their natural predators have simply disappeared, not to mention the disappearance of the river Bouskoura. It's annoying!

It will continue until when?