Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pictuers Of Inside The Vigana

Act of surrender to Mercy

Lord, that's over sixty-five years You gave me the priceless gift of life, and since my birth, Thou hast ceased to fill me with your grace and your infinite love. During all these years were interspersed with great joys, trials, successes, failures, health setbacks, grief, as happens to everyone. With your grace and your help, I could overcome those obstacles and move towards Toi.Aujourd 'Today, I rich sense of my experience and the great consolation of having been the object of your love. My soul sings to you its gratitude.

But I encounter in my daily environment of elderly persons as You find it highly: they are paralyzed, disabled, infirm
and often have the strength of Te pray, others have lost the use of their mental faculties and can not reach you through their unreal world.
I see these people do and say to myself: "If it was me?"

So Lord, today, while I enjoy the possession of my mental and motor skills, I offer my acceptance in advance of your holy will, and now I wish that if either of these events happening, it can be used to your glory and the salvation of souls.
From now too, I am asking you to support your grace those who have the thankless task of helping me. If one day the disease was invade my brain and destroy my lucidity, already, Lord, my submission is before you and will continue in a silent adoration.

If one day, a state of prolonged unconsciousness had me down, I want each of those hours I have to live either an uninterrupted series of thanksgiving and my last breath is also a sigh of love.

My soul, this time guided by the hand of Mary, will appear before Thee to sing your praises forever.


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