Thursday, January 21, 2010

How To Make Somebody Fall Asleep By Pressure


J - 30 Second National Congress of Mercy
of 19 to 21 February 2010 in Lisieux!
Here Hymn of Congress: "His Mercy"
Listen to him - listen here Let your friends!

Interview with Benjamin and Thomas - who will lead the GLORIOUS Mercy Evenings Friday and Saturday.
You're hipsters, musicians, composers, and you participate at the Congress of Mercy in Lisieux, The Mercy word may at first seem "old fashioned" (expired) To what Mercy?
The word "mercy" is not at all outdated On the contrary, it can resonate in the hearts of generations with as much impact as before. The Good News is "mercy."
For us, God's work is a work of mercy. From Adam and Eve to the present, the Mercy of God to men is deployed in the History of believers. It is the source of understanding the act of God in our lives. He who seeks God in the Bible, discovered Mercy as thread in the history of Israel. It is his mercy that saves us.
The question before us today is: will we find practical ways to resonate in the world God's mercy, it reaches people in our culture and of our century? I think the Congress is one.
The theme of the Congress of Mercy in Lisieux is "Mercy ... dare trust" What do you expect this Congress - for yourself, for young people who will be present?
We are happy to come and serve in our mision of praise, all the people who will come to Lisieux. We hope through this conference, lessons, worship, meetings, showing more and more the place of mercy in God's plan. Discover his project of Mercy for us all. And then a more human side, we will be happy come with our bishop, Cardinal Barbarin is always a joy to listen to his sermons.
That's why I encourage all youth to come to this conference to discover God's mercy, to spend evenings of pure praise and experience a time of relaxation by Church of the Lord.
appointment to the congress.

Benjamin and Thomas Pouzin - GLORIOUS


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