Saturday, April 17, 2010

Opis Outfit Pokemon Online

defamation Morocco: the case of Miss Milouda, voluntary ALCS


NB I hesitated to put the video in the offending post. Ultimately, it will only rub salt into the wound while maintaining ironically probable, significant traffic to the blog. In short, I decided not to put it & to announce my support for it via this post.

After a while of hibernation, a little movement is needed especially with a lot of internet info that Moroccans have spoken recently.

It begins with a report by Agence France Presse on an awareness campaign coordinated by the ALCS & especially for workers in road transport. The highlight of the story is that of an awareness session for the benefit of sex workers. A volunteer, a young veiled in order to encourage recipients to impose on their customers condoms, did not hesitate to demonstrate by putting the tip of a latex dildo with his mouth. For a while, Facebook & Youtube mostly, we just see this excerpt from a story quelquessecondes over 2 minutes with titles like "That's how it raises awareness against AIDS." Result: Smear campaign against the lady from some users and even some populist press has not hesitated to add a layer to the point of flagrante delicto in the headlines. It looks just as Sochepresse, Sapress or Al Wasit we bring FHM or height of audacity, Indonesian version of Playboy (It is too immature to the U.S. version or French). Do not ask me about the girl, she was booed by his neighbors & his safety and his family was in danger. Fortunately, all were rescued & are in a safe & Himmich Dr. Hakima, president of the ALCS, has defended Miss Milouda. I wonder if the crew did not think at least blur his face given the sensitive side of the subject or simply delete the scene.

So question? Apart from the losers identified, who are the winners here ? people who have other occupations than gossip digital, showing that / it is not as clean as he / she claims "(The famous Moroccan social hypocrisy), journalists in search of scoops and who is throw on anything, those who consider themselves the guardians of morality, etc.. I came across this article Yabladi about it and I think it explains the situation well. For me, Miss Milouda put his heart in the awareness session & more the audience is female. Above all, we're talking about a serious condition known as AIDS. So, nothing shocking except for prudes ! I wonder if they do not read on the sly "Tuhfat Al Arous" or "Al Atir Arraoud " of Nefzaoui. What really disgusts me for some (Moroccans and others) is looking for anything that is crisp & cheese to make it a point to swell the pseudo-case. In a word: leave her alone. What make me laugh most is the attitude of some prostitutes screaming scandal when they empty their instinctual drives home. I would not be surprised that these women in a patriarchal milieu still consider themselves pious and conservative & so hostile, chose the oldest profession in the world in spite of themselves: no social solidarity, economic & social problems after the unemployment & the presence of mouths to feed, including sexual abuse suffered as incest or rape, etc., etc.. Especially since there is demand. So, when we know that Man is a being can be wrong, the minimum union as they say is to protect themselves with condoms at least. At least, in addition to the customer & the prostitute, a person who will be in contact with them carnal will have less risk of contracting AIDS or other sexually transmitted disease. Of course, for the guardians of morality, abstinence is not forgotten & chastity (Without someone angry, I apply these two principles, at least to avoid future problems. QED)

Not so long ago, Robin blogs alias Dr. Ho (I prefer rather Doctor Who) released two posts relate to my subject. The first relates his shock and disgust following the case of girls Khmissates & the second has as its publishing pictures of teenage girls, probably between them, and who find themselves on a blog Skyblog platform. To be honest, I would never wish this on my worst enemy.


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