Sunday, October 31, 2010

Confirmation Letter From Parent To Priest

The Center for the Study of New Testament manuscripts

If you like to see the ancient manuscripts that we have the New Testament, I suggest you a site that contains many. The site is available in English, but it is not so important because, as you probably know, the most ancient manuscripts are written in Greek.

What is unique about this site is that in addition to the list of manuscripts, many scanned images of these manuscripts are available online

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Porclin Doll Worth Anything

Retrieve Your Own!

A second mini Levi's jeans with recovered liberty and coaches.

In Detail :

A donald also from an old tunic

In detail:

Top Nursing Diagnosis

Rock and Roll Rock and Roll bis

A small jean in 3 years made from an old and worn Levi's jeans fabric Mick Miller:

In detail:

A t shirt is a polo shirt from the dad.

In detail:

And a sweater:


Erythema Of Soles Toddler

I got an old pants pile me into pants for my little.

In detail:
t shirt started to complete the required but not finished. If anyone has a tip for sewing fine jersey with a conventional sewing machine, I'm all ears!

Methocarbamol Stays In Your Urine

For girls sailor

A small gift for my niece for her 5 years:

In detail:

Exterior Home Brick Samples


Another sailor made out of Daddy's a sailor.

And in detail:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Difference Between Kiwi Parade Gloss

Letters from the Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch to the Philadelphians

This letter is dated around the year 110 and was written when Saint Ignatius Roman was escorted to Rome to undergo his martyrdom.

Ignatius, also called Theophorus, to the Church of God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ who is at Philadelphia in Asia, the object of mercy, strengthened in harmony that comes from God, and full of unshakable joy in the passion of our Lord, and fully satisfied in any mercy, of his resurrection; I salute in the blood of Jesus Christ. She is my eternal joy and lasting, especially if they remain united with the bishop and priests and deacons who are with him, drawn by the thought of Jesus Christ, who according to his own will has fortified and strengthened by His Holy Spirit.

1 This bishop, I know that is not itself, nor by men (Ga 1, 1), he got the department that serves the community, nor vain glory, but through love of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . I am struck by his kindness by his silence, he can more than vain talkers. 2 It is given to commands such as the zither strings. Therefore my soul commend him for his feelings toward God I know they are virtuous and perfect, his unwavering character and without anger, in all the goodness of the living God.

2 Thus, children of the light of truth, flee divisions and false doctrines; where your shepherd, follow him like sheep. 2 For many wolves apparently credible captivated by the pleasures bad those who run from God, but they have no place in your unit.

3 Abstain plants bad that Jesus Christ does not cultivate, because they are not a plantation of the Father (cf. Mt 15, 13, Jn 15, 1, 1 Corinthians 3, 9). 2 This is not that I found in your division, but a purification. For all who are God and Jesus Christ, those are with the Bishop and all who will repent and come to the unity of the Church, they too will be God for that 'they are living according to Jesus Christ. 3 "Do not deceive yourself," my brothers, if someone follows an abettor of schism "He has not the legacy of the kingdom of God" (1 Cor 6, 9, 10), if someone walks in a foreign thought, that one does not agree with the passion of Christ.

4 Be careful not therefore attend only one Eucharist, for there is only one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ and one cup to unite us in his blood, one altar, as one bishop with the presbytery and the deacons my fellow servants: thus, whatever you do, you will do according to God.

5 My brothers, I love overflows for you, and it is in the greatest joy that I seek to strengthen you, not I, but Christ, being chained to him, I fear more, thinking that I'm still imperfect, but your prayer God will make me perfect, so I get the inheritance which I have received mercy, taking refuge in the Gospel as the flesh of Jesus Christ and the Apostles as the presbytery of the Church . 2 And also love the prophets, for they too have proclaimed the Gospel, they trusted in him, Christ, and waited, believing in him, they were rescued, and residing in the unit Jesus Christ, saints worthy of love and admiration, they received the testimony of Jesus Christ and have been admitted to the gospel of our common hope.

6 If someone interprets according to Judaism, do not listen. For it is better to hear Christianity from a man circumcised than Judaism from one uncircumcised. If both do not speak of Jesus Christ, they are for me stelae and tombs of the dead, on which are written the names of men. 2 Flee therefore the wicked tricks and snares of the prince of this world, that his calculations fail to overwhelm you and make you weak in charity. But all of you gather in an undivided heart. 3 I thank my God that I have a good conscience about you, and no one can boast, or secretly or openly, that I was for him to charge little or a lot things (cf. 1Th 2, 7; 2Co 11, 9, 12, 13-16, Acts 20: 33-35). And to all those to whom I spoke, I wish that they did not receive a testimony against them.

7 Some have wanted to deceive the flesh, but it does not deceive the Spirit, which comes from God. Because because I foresaw the division of some, he is my witness that I am chained to that I did not know a man's flesh. 2 This is the Spirit who announced to me saying "Do nothing without the bishop, keep your flesh as the temple of God (cf. 1 Cor 3, 16, 6, 19), like the union , flee from divisions, be imitators of Jesus Christ, as also is his Father " (cf. 1 Cor 11:1).

August 1 so I did everything in me, like a man made for the union. Where there is division and wrath, God does not dwell. But those who repent, Lord forgive if this repentance brings them to unity with God, and the senate of the bishop. I have faith in the grace of Jesus Christ who will relieve you of any link. 2 I urge you to do nothing by strife, but according to the teachings of Christ. I heard him saying, "If I do not find in the archives, I do not believe in the Gospel. "And when I told them:" It says, "they replied:" That is the question. "For me, my archive is Jesus Christ my archives inviolable, that his cross and his death and resurrection and the faith that comes from him, this is where I wish, for your prayers, be justified.

9 The priests, too, were honorable, but something better is the high priest, who was awarded the Saint of saints, who alone have been entrusted with the secrets of God. It is the door of the Father (cf. Jn 10, 7, 10, 9), which enter Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the prophets and apostles and the church. All this to unity with God. 2 But the Gospel has something special: the coming of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, his passion and resurrection. For the beloved prophets had announced, but the Gospel is the consumption of immortality. Everything is also good if you believe in love.

10 I was told that through your prayers and mercy you have in Jesus Christ, the Church of Antioch in Syria is in peace and should therefore that you, As a Church of God, you elect a deacon to go there as a messenger of God, to rejoice with those gathered, and glorify the Name. 2 Blessed in Jesus Christ who is deemed worthy of such a department, and you too will be glorified. If you do not mind, it is not impossible to do for the name of God as the churches closest one who sent their bishops, other priests and deacons.

11 As to Philo, the deacon of Cilicia, a man of good repute, who now assists me in the ministry of the Word of God with Rhéos Agathopus man elite has abandoned what made his life to keep me from Syria, they will testify, and I-I thank God for you - - you've received as the Lord has received yourselves. And those who disrespect them, may they be forgiven by the grace of Jesus Christ! Charity 2 brothers who are at Troas salute you. That's where I am writing through Burrus, who was sent to me by the Ephesians and Smyrna to do me honor. They will also be honored by the Lord Jesus Christ, whom they hope to flesh, soul and spirit, in faith, charity, concord. Fare ye well in Jesus Christ, our common hope.

As you can see, I highlighted in yellow passages which speaks of the Church and the importance to keep in communion with the bishop and other positions authority in the Church. There is also a passage in blue on the Eucharist which is interesting because it mentions an altar. This necessarily includes the idea that the eucharistic meal is a sacrifice, which is always the Catholic doctrine today.

I'm not going to go around all the letters of St. Ignatius because I risk repeating myself. His letters speak often of the same topics which are: loyalty to the bishop and the priests, the Eucharist, the refutation of Docetism (doctrine that Jesus had no physical body) and the principles of Christian morality. However, I invite you to read because they are very informative.
The writings of the Apostolic Fathers

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Which Is The Best Compact Powder

Vive les Bretons!

What a new adult sailor too small to washing machine? The sailor turned into child!

thread my sewing machine breaks very often, once the finish is medium. To hide the flaws, I added ribbons:

And worn:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yeast Infection After Exposure

Letters from the Church Fathers: Ignatius of Antioch to the Romans

This letter is dated around the year 110 and was written when St. Ignatius Roman was escorted to Rome to undergo his martyrdom.

1. Ignatius, also called Theophorus
2. the Church has received mercy through the magnificence of the most high Father and Jesus Christ his only Son, beloved and enlightened by the will of him who wanted all that exists, according to the faith and love for Jesus Christ our God ; \u0026lt; Church> who presides in the region of the Romans, worthy of God, worthy of honor, worthy of being called blessed, worthy of praise, worthy of success, worthy of purity, which presides in charity, bringing the law of Christ, which bears the name of the Father, I greet the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the Father; to that of flesh and spirit are united to all his commandments, full of grace unswervingly God, cleansed of any foreign coloring, I wish them in Jesus Christ our God, all joy impeccable.
1. Through my prayers I have received from God to see your holy face, because I insisted to receive this favor, for, chained in Christ Jesus, I hope to greet you, at least if it is the will of God I am found worthy to come to term.
2. For the beginning is easy, at least if I get the grace to receive without hindrance from . But I fear that your love will make me wrong. For to you it is easy to do what you want, but to me it is difficult to reach God, if you do not spare me.
1. Because I do not want that you please the men, but that you please God, as, indeed, she likes you. For me, I will never such an opportunity to reach God, and you, if you keep silent, you can subscribe to a work better. If you keep silent about me, I'll be in God, but if you love my flesh, I will run again.
2. I do not buy anything more than being offered as a libation to God (cf. Phil 2; 17 2 Tim 4, 6), while the altar is ready, so that, united in chorus in love, you sing to the Father in Christ Jesus, because God has deigned to make the bishop Syria was found \u0026lt;him, "having brought from sunrise to sunset. It is good to lie far from the world to God, to rise in him.
1. You never envied anyone, you have taught others. I, myself, that what you order your lessons to others through his guard force.
2. Do not ask me for the inner and outer strength, that I not only talk, but I want to not only be told Christian, but I am found \u0026lt;fact>. If I'm done, I can tell me this, and be a "true> believer, when I am no longer visible to the world.
3. Nothing visible is good. For our God, Jesus Christ, being in His Father , is to see more. For it is not a work of persuasion that Christianity, but a work of power, when he is hated by the world.
1. I write to all churches, and I request all to me is that with all my heart I'll die for God, at least if you do not stop me. I implore you, do not be sympathetic to me inappropriate. Let me be the food of beasts, by which I shall be able to find God. I am the wheat of God, and I am ground by the teeth of beasts to be found pure bread of Christ.
2. Flatter rather stupid, so they are my tomb, and they leave nothing of my body, so that in my last sleep, I am not a burden to anyone. Then I'll be a disciple of Jesus Christ when the world will see even my body. Implore Christ for me, so that the instrument , I am a victim God. I do not give orders like Peter and Paul themselves, they were free, and I so far a slave (1 Cor 9, 1). But if I suffer, I will be a freedman of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 7, 22) and I shall be born in him, free. Chained now, I learn to desire nothing.
1. From Syria to Rome, I fight against the beasts (cf. 1 Cor 15, 32), on land and sea, night and day, bound to ten leopards, that is to say, a detachment of soldiers and when it does them good, they become worse. But, by their abuse, I become more of a follower, but "I'm not so far justified" (1 Corinthians 4:4).
2. May I enjoy the animals that I have prepared. I hope they are quick to me. And I flatter, for they devour me promptly, not as certain they were afraid, and did not hit. And, if by ill will they refuse me, I will make them.
3. Forgive me what I need, I know, myself. It is now that I'm starting to be a disciple. That nothing of things visible and invisible, does not prevent me from jealousy, to find Christ. Fire and cross, herds of cattle, lacerations, dismemberment, dislocation of bones, mutilation of members, milling whole body, that the worst evils of the devil falls on me, if only I found Jesus Christ.
1. Nothing will help me with the charms of the world nor the kingdoms of this century. It is good for me to die (cf. 1 Cor 9, 15) to Christ Jesus, than to reign over the ends of the earth. It is he I seek who died for us, I want him, who rose for us. My little children,
2. Forgive me, brothers, do not prevent me from living, please do not let me die. Whoever wants to be God, do not indulge in the world, do not entice by matter. Let me receive pure light; when I got there, I'm a man.
3. Let me be an imitator of the passion of my God . If someone has God in him, he understands what I want, and has compassion on me, knowing that grips me (cf. Phil 1, 23) ..
1. The prince of this world wants to tear myself away, and corrupt the feelings I have for God. So anyone among you who are there, rescued him; rather be me, that is to say God. Do not talk about Jesus Christ, and desire the world.
2. That jealousy does not dwell in you. And if, when I'm near you, I implore you, do not believe me. Believe instead what I write. It is very much alive as I write, wanting to die. My earthly desire has been crucified, and there is more fire in me to love the subject, but in me a "living water" (cf. Jn 4, 10, 7, 38, Ap 14, 25) who whispers and said within me: "Come to the Father" (cf. Jn 14, 12, etc.)..
3. I do I like most food of corruption or the pleasures of this life is the bread of God that I want, which is the flesh of Jesus Christ, the seed of David (John 7, 42, Rom 1, 3), and I want to drink his blood, which is love incorruptible .
1.Je not want to live as men. This will, if you want. Please him, so that you also get the pleasure of God.
2. I ask you a few words: believe me, Jesus Christ you will see that I say is true, it is the mouth without lying through which the Father has spoken the truth.
3. Ask for me I got it. It is not in the flesh I am writing, but in the mind of God. If I suffer you show me the kindness, if I'm rejected, hatred.
1. Remember in your prayers the church of Syria, which, in my place, "God pastor. Only Jesus Christ will be their bishop, and your charity.
2. For me, I blush to be counted among them, because I'm not worthy, being the last of them, and a dwarf (cf. 1. Co 14, 8, 9). But I received mercy to be somebody, if I get God.
3. My spirit salutes you, and the charity of churches who have received at name of Jesus Christ (cf. Mt 18, 40, 41), not as a simple way. And those very people who were not on my route according to the flesh, went in front of me from city to city.
1. I am writing this from Smyrna via Ephesians worthy of being called blessed. It is also with me, along with many others, Crocus, whose name is so dear.
2. As for those who have preceded me in Syria to Rome for the glory of God, I think you know now: let them know that I am close. All are worthy of God and you, and it should you relieve them in all things.
3. I am writing this on the ninth before the Kalends of September. Keep well to the end in anticipation of Jesus Christ.

This letter to the Romans, made several references to Jesus Christ as the equivalent of God passages (in yellow). This proves that Jesus was considered God from the beginning of Christianity and it is not an invention of the Nicene Council or other doctrinal late addition. Let us remember that Ignatius is the first generation after the apostles and disciples had received from John's teachings.

There is also still mention of the Eucharist, the bread of life, which he describes as the flesh of Jesus Christ (blue shift) and also the blood of Christ as a real drink.

Finally, the passages in green indicates a certain Presidency of the Church of Rome over other churches. This is one of the most primitive evidence of the role of the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) in the Church.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sample Letter Community Service

Black Days: My challenge

As some of my readers or followers on Twitter know, I have only 2 years to become thirty. In recent years, some things have pushed me regularly to ask me questions about the choices I made and if I made the right decisions. Good or bad, I had to assume my responsibility even to the point of swallowing the bitterness.

During the decade and especially since the days of my graduate studies, I met many people that I enjoyed but the time and everyday life has weakened our contact to be reduced to say a few sentences on Facebook punctual like "Happy Birthday" or "We miss you," when the person did not simply removed their profile without warning.

I had moments of weakness, sadness and anger. See school colleagues to make a little birthday party at someone when I do that with the famous family, or some who are married or in union, so I can not find a gem because of what I saw and my attempts failures which led me to concentrate on my work and my life less and less social. I will not mention what those friends then I thought he was pretending or think I'm just kind tacky and immature. It sounds like a breed of cat that suffered attacks from other cats simply because he has ears bent since birth. Oh, and that working problable saved me because

What people think of me? an idiot, an opportunist, a person with whom to enjoy generous because he likes to do or avoid like the original in the way he writes this kind of confession? I do not know. I do not know. These days, I'm really enjoying life, I find more pleasure in my work and the unstable weather of autumn and my sore throat got worse things. I am in depression, lost and alone. I do not know what to do. Skip

my time lamenting not lead anywhere. But what do I do? I do not know.