Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sample Letter Community Service

Black Days: My challenge

As some of my readers or followers on Twitter know, I have only 2 years to become thirty. In recent years, some things have pushed me regularly to ask me questions about the choices I made and if I made the right decisions. Good or bad, I had to assume my responsibility even to the point of swallowing the bitterness.

During the decade and especially since the days of my graduate studies, I met many people that I enjoyed but the time and everyday life has weakened our contact to be reduced to say a few sentences on Facebook punctual like "Happy Birthday" or "We miss you," when the person did not simply removed their profile without warning.

I had moments of weakness, sadness and anger. See school colleagues to make a little birthday party at someone when I do that with the famous family, or some who are married or in union, so I can not find a gem because of what I saw and my attempts failures which led me to concentrate on my work and my life less and less social. I will not mention what those friends then I thought he was pretending or think I'm just kind tacky and immature. It sounds like a breed of cat that suffered attacks from other cats simply because he has ears bent since birth. Oh, and that working problable saved me because

What people think of me? an idiot, an opportunist, a person with whom to enjoy generous because he likes to do or avoid like the original in the way he writes this kind of confession? I do not know. I do not know. These days, I'm really enjoying life, I find more pleasure in my work and the unstable weather of autumn and my sore throat got worse things. I am in depression, lost and alone. I do not know what to do. Skip

my time lamenting not lead anywhere. But what do I do? I do not know.


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