Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Split Unit Vs Package Unit

One word to Fadoua Laroui

The failure of a single mother of two children decide to end his self-immolation because it did not receive social housing is saddening. Especially since I saw the video and the way how to help her in the beginning was the least frightening. I am against the violation of life itself but I understand his desperation that drove this woman to this act of desperation.

Maybe if life was not so hard for her where she could enjoy a clement environment for study, work and thrive in the midst of an egalitarian society without hypocrisy will have saved his life.

Fadoua That rests in peace. A thought to his children.

PS: Do not remember the prohibition against the monotheistic religions sucide. The question is: how to avoid it, apart from spiritual support?


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