Sunday, May 30, 2010

Samsung T.v. Cover Bottom

Day without a laptop

Today, Sunday, May 30, 2010, Thousands of Moroccans cut off their phones because of the exorbitant rates charged by Morocco Telecom, Meditel & Inwi (Ex-Wana). Like them, I stop using my laptop (I already use is limited when traveling where mobility restricted Bayn no longer works).

I hope to do ANRT its job as regulator and that our telcos are reviewing their rates and that they stop treating us like cash cows.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lightning Mcqueen Suitcase

"Bob Morane" & Indochina

of intellectual laziness, no post for today.
By cons, some of you have seen "Bob Morane". In Morocco, it was mostly during the morning at 7:30 on 2M at the time of Ramadan 1998 or 1999. Given the timing was really dumb on their part.

Good move. The credits of the French version (This is different from other versions) has as its origin the hit "The Adventurer" or "Bob Morane" of the French rock band Indochine (A group I admire especially his "I asked the moon") released on 1984.Personnellement, the sound of electronic musical instruments m'envoutent.

By chance I came across the 2007 concert in Hanoi (Ironically, Viet Nam was part of French Indochina with Laos) with orchestra Vietnamese more. I wonder if the group took into account the generic cartoon.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Reason Record Dongle Emulator Do You Have?

When EFA plays lip dub ...

Tonight, Facebook Consultant, I just found a video of a person who studied in the same business school as me, although he was in a class before mine. Subject to change or mistake on my part, he is responsible for communication and careers.

Without necessarily make hasbara pub for entrance exam to the French School of Business (AET for short) where I spent a memorable two years with its points positive and negative, I invite you to see these 4 videos made by the Student Office (BDE in the jargon home), teachers and administrative staff (A cuckoo in the famous Fouzia ;-)) This reminds me of my Arabic teacher of the first year with which I am interested in film. Special short side is that they play on the register of silent film. I even swore that the clip "The Fight" is inspired by a film of Soviet Eisenstein. Anyway, here is a company school opts for the viral ad or more accurately the lip dub. I bet on a sushi menu that my marketing professor who now heads the school will make a case study.

Good show!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where Can I Buy Mifeprex

News stories from my office ... E-

This is not my habit to talk about my work in my blog. In fact, it's a decision I made since the beginning of my working life in Agadir in order to avoid any misunderstanding. However, I will discuss two recent events quickly.

My supervisor of the department (who is also a reader my blog) is absent for more than two weeks in Casablanca for processing. He was recently diagnosed with a tumor that, fortunately, was in its beginning and has been detected early. For several weeks, his place will be filled by me and another colleague while relying on help from others. The current period is hard and I had better face several challenges. I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery and hope his family will be patient. Already one of our staff, the husband of another friend & father suffers from cancer he treats for a long time. I am delighted that always keeps the mischief and humor.

Last Friday, the agency's employees celebrated the retirement of one of the things that marked me most during my career. Head of operation, it was youthful and lively. Labor forces, he did not hesitate to shout and criticize when something does not go as souhaité.Il helped me to better understand the technical aspects of port operations and advised me a lot. I really see him leave after only a year and a half. Anyway, I wish him luck in his new life and his projects. I delighted that his son is here to take the torch.

Before concluding, I must say that this weekend I have been saving with the visit of my mother. Through her, I feel better. Please just bring down the ticket Agadir Casablanca-type 500 or 600 Dh return!