Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fresh Fruit Importer In Germany

Pope accepts the use of condoms "in some cases"

If you watch the news this weekend was the kind of title that offered us most newspapers and websites. I will not mince words, this title is at best an attempt at confusion.

The passage in question, taken from an interview with the Pope, carried out between 26 and 31 July by journalist Castel Gandalfo. These interviews will be published soon in book form under the title "Light of the World."

Question of the journalist: "The Catholic Church is not fundamentally against the use of condoms? "
The pope replied, according to the original German version available to AFP:" In some cases, when the intention is to reduce the risk of contamination, it can still be a first step to pave the way for a more human sexuality, lived differently. "
Pope gives one example, that a "male prostitute", whereas "it may be a first step toward a moralization, the beginning of responsibility to take renewed awareness that not everything is permitted and we can not do everything you want "
He then added:
"To polarize the condom means a trivialization of sex and that is exactly the danger that many people view sex not as an expression of their love, but as a kind of drug, they self-administering "

If you have previously dealt with a moral question here is what you should understand. There is no question here of accepting as morally correct use of condoms for contraception. He is talking about the principle of the lesser evil, in which an act morally wrong has been decided to be committed and despite all attempts to do less damage. This is what, as described by the Pope, is a first step towards a morally good life.

I digress voluntary contraception to make an example, because contraception is a subject where it is often difficult to see clearly. Firstly because it is a hot topic and also because many Catholics are already "wet".

If I take for example the example of a thief who decided to rob a bank. It is preferable that uses no weapon to do so to avoid loss of life. This refusal to use a weapon may be, for its part, a first step toward a moral to the fact that from the decision not to use any weapon he has at least taken the first step in the moral consciousness that makes him realize that human life is worth more than bank notes.

However, if we translate it by can rob a bank without a weapon "in certain cases" this is not correct because it is never permissible to rob a bank. The title may confuse people and to convince Catholics that they can use condoms for contraception and make a morally good and that's wrong. If, as a Christian, your life morality is not confined only to the principle of lesser evil, I invite you to make more progress in morality so that your action is morally good and not only morally wrong action less harmful. Another problem with this early release of the media is that the book is not out yet and we can not verify the entire context of that quote.

One thing that I regret above all in this kind of maneuver is the confusion it engenders. It's one thing to be educated and have trouble to conform his life, but it is another attempt to bully a lesson for confuse and disappoint others and thus deprive others of the truth.


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