Monday, November 8, 2010

Super Advanced Creatine High Performance

Letters of Fathers of the Church: The Cult of Justin's martyrdom

In our day, the worship of Christians is very varied. The ritual well supported with improvised homily, one wonders how early Christians celebrated. One of the descriptions most primitive Christian worship comes from Justin Martyr, a philosopher who converted to Christianity, wrote in his first apology for a defense of Christians. I wanted to share with you a description of the cult that he lived with his community. All this around the year 150, there are over 1850 years.

From the first apology of Justin

65. Back to us. When one who has partnered with our faith and our belief has received
ablution we discussed above, we drive to the place which houses
those we call our brothers. Here begin the ardent prayers that we
for the enlightened, for ourselves and for everyone else, hoping to obtain, with the
our knowledge of the truth, the grace of live in righteousness and works
in observance of precepts, and thus merit eternal salvation. When prayer is
complete, we welcome all with a kiss of peace, then it brings to one who is the head
brothers; bread, water and wine. He takes them and glorify and sing the praises of Father
of the universe, by the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and makes a long thanksgiving
for all the goods we have received from him. Prayers and thanksgiving over,
all the people shouted "Amen! Amen in Hebrew means, so be it. When the leader
brothers finished the prayers and thanksgiving, all the people responded, those whom we call deacons
distribute to each of the assistants bread, wine and water, on which
thanksgiving were said, and they bear to absent.

66. We call this food Eucharist, and nobody can take part, if it believes the
truth of our doctrine, he has received the ablution for the forgiveness of sins and regeneration
and if he lives according to the teachings of Christ. Because we do not take this
food as common bread and common drink. But just as in speech
of God, Jesus Christ our Savior was made flesh, took blood and flesh for our salvation;
well as the food, which by assimilation must feed our flesh and our blood is
become, by virtue of thanksgiving, containing the words of Jesus Christ himself, the
own blood and flesh of Jesus incarnate: as is our faith. The apostles in their
writings, which are called Gospels, have taught us that Jesus Christ had recommended
to do so, when, having taken bread, he said: "Do this in memory of me: this is
my body "and similarly having taken the chalice and gave thanks:" This is my blood,
"he said, and he distributed to them alone. The demons have not failed to emulate this
institution in the mysteries of Mithras, for it brings to an insider of bread and wine, which
pronounced some words you know, or you are able to know.

67. After the meeting, we talk to each other in the memory of what it is
past. If we are good, we relieve the poor and we always help, and
in all our offerings, we praise the Creator of the universe through His Son Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit. The day of the sun, as it is called, all who live in cities or rural
gather in one place, and read the stories of the apostles or the writings of the prophets
, depending on the time can be arranged. When the reader has finished, the presiding
made a speech urging the imitation of those sublime teachings. Then we all rise
and we pray, and as we said, praying over, we bring bread
wine and water, and he who presides over the prayers and the fact thanksgiving with the most
great fervor. The people answered: Amen, and distribution and the wider communion of
things is devoted to all the assistance and the share of their absent is worn by deacons.
Those who are in plenty and want to give, make their largess, and what is collected
is given to one who presides, and it assists widows, orphans, the sick, the needy,
prisoners and aliens in a word, he takes care to relieve all the needs. If we
we collect the day's sun, because that day is when God pulling the material
of darkness, began to create the world and also one in which Jesus Christ our Savior
rose from the dead, because the Jews crucified him on the day of Saturn, and
day after that day, that is to say, the sunny day, he appeared to his disciples and taught them
what we delivered to your meditations.

If you look closely at this evidence, there is no doubt that Justin was going to a cult that looks closely at Mass Catholic. The prayer of thanksgiving, the role of Ministers, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, the words of consecration, the songs of glory and praise to the Trinity, to meet the day of the sun (Sunday), Communion. This man was really the same Mass that I went last Sunday.


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