Saturday, February 5, 2011

Forget Esc Weekly Certification

Suddenly Beautiful People there is only one song ... The misunderstood

title Claude FRANCOIS
released in March 1975

Songwriters Phil Hurtt / Thom Bell / Jean-Michel RIVAT
Adaptation of 'I'll be around "(1972) of THE SPINNERS
Photo: Benjamin AUGER
Album: Claude François (1975)

Suddenly there is only one song

Here is the bedroom
The disc is still spinning as she listened to his corner for anything
There on the bed, his book is wide open as she
God must love him to give up everything so quick

Suddenly there is only one song
Suddenly I listen to this song
It said "I love you" this song always comes

There, near the chair
Both cafes forgotten me still talk about us two
Yes it looks
she is gone as if there was a fire
The letter said she left that I understand
But suddenly

Suddenly there is only one song
Suddenly I listen to this song
It said "I love you" this song always comes
Suddenly ...

Suddenly there is only one song
Suddenly I listen Song
She said "I love you" this song always comes

Suddenly there is only one song
She said yes this song a thousand things
She sees the soul or Life in Pink this song that always comes

Suddenly there are, there is only one song
If my reason rejects this song My heart
him find a thousand excuses this song that always comes back

Suddenly now I only have one song
I do not want more but I listen to this song
I want no more life in this Pink song that always comes


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