Monday, February 14, 2011

Kamehasutra Eng Color

Breakaway belt

Title Number One Fan
released Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Songwriter: Benjamin Biolay
Album: Game 7 errors (2006)


Not on the mouth even if it is fishy because my tongue tastes like your under your honor not lost on the lips even though I dream I'm shaking and my heart is that my naked core is covered with shame and impudence without getting offended n'vaut better not try nothing lasts above the belt, not on the mouth in the shower even though it is hard I will bite you promised all shots are not allowed on the lips not even dream of safe blood for you shall eat bread or gray my heart is hardened does not pull on the stem keeps the ambulance nothing has nothing more important hard above the waist, not on mouth I know I hit the bottom of the lake cherry season is dead the devil is in the body not on the lips no it's not corny it's not nervous but I prefer to give or refuse flood Cuffless go we clearly everything is cooked in advance n'vaut better not try nothing lasts above the belt, not on the mouth I know it's suspicious because my skin smell your smell outside it's hot not on the lips never truce and no assaults happiness is in the slope between the floor and belly between oblivion and oblivion beautiful bird of paradise rather play "Forbidden Games" nothing lasts above the waist


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