Monday, February 21, 2011

Mole That Hurts To Touch


title Dany BRILLIANT
released in 1999

Songwriter: Dany BRILLIANT
Album: New Day (1999)


God, hear my prayer
Give me, please, give me
Sunshine to warm my heart
To calm my pain and anguish
J ' I need you God

Should the abuse
In your name we would use
What you people you do not know
Say "God said so"
should do, I do not think God

To me you are another
You're not what we want you to be
You give me strength and When faith
often I'm drowning
And I fall, you raise me God ...

I do not see your face
I want you to come down here
We talk and show us the way
We need you, something
Where are you hiding? God

God, I seek you, and I doubt
My friends are going well for you
But in me that little voice:
"If you do not exist I'd love you God"


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