Friday, December 31, 2010

Bd-company Or Bd-sisters

relationship between faith and reason: Faith transrational

After reviewing the two dead ends of rationalism and fideism, one can also note that so historically and personally, we can easily switch from one extreme to another. For example, I know people who had a more rational approach and, after some theological studies took refuge in fideism because they failed to rationalize all the proposed content. Conversely, it is also a believer that often follows a confrontation about her faith, begins to search of his reasons for believing in the dark and trying any rationalist to want to understand and solve all the mysteries of God.

As a solution, then we must admit that faith is neither rational nor irrational, but it is rather transrational (to borrow the words of Bishop Leonard). Transrational faith is a faith which, while retaining a link with reason, can also be trusted in Revelation. As the saying Cardinal Barbarin at WYD 2005: "We do not believe reasons, but we have our reasons for believing . Transrational faith relies on reason but without crushing it. Here are two quotes

offering a saint compared between faith and reason: When
reason, enlightened by faith, looking carefully, piety and moderation, it comes with the gift of God to a certain understanding of the mysteries very fruitful or, using the analogy with the things she knows naturally, or through links that connect them and mysteries with the ultimate end of man, but never made it is able to penetrate the same so that the truths which constitute its own object. For the divine mysteries, by their very nature, transcends so that the created intellect, even by the revelation transmitted and received by faith, they are still covered with the veil of faith, and as darkness enveloped in some, as long as in this mortal life, we walk away from the Lord because it is in faith that we walk not in sight. But although faith is above reason, there can never be any real disagreement between faith and reason, since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith, and was revealed in the human mind the light of reason: God can not deny himself, nor truth contradict never true. The mere appearance of conflict comes mostly from what the dogmas of faith were not included and exposed in the spirit of the Church, or when taking false opinions to the conclusions of reason. We define that every assertion contrary to the truth as evidenced by the enlightened faith is totally false. (Vatican Council I, Dei Filius )
ela C does not alter the fact that the current relationship between faith and reason requires to be carefully examined, because reason and faith are both impoverished and weakened the one facing the other. The reason, private Intake of Revelation, has taken side-tracks which expose it to lose sight of its goal. Faith, deprived of reason, has stressed feeling and experience, running the risk of no longer being a universal proposition. It is illusory to think that faith, tied to weak reasoning, might have greater force on the contrary, it falls into the general risk of withering into myth or superstition. Similarly, a reason which is unrelated to an adult faith is not prompted her interest in the newness and radicality of being. (John Paul II, Fides et Ratio )
can see that the approach is taught by the Church is in the center of the two dead ends of rationalism and fideism. It is also up to each believer to find a balance which will own knowing avoid these deadlocks. Some will need more substance rational while the other will find all this intellectualism them away from the actual experience of God which transcends us.

When I look at people around me in my generation and their attitude in relation to the faith (not necessarily believing themselves), there is one thing that I have often noticed. They pass successively in both impasses of rationalism and fideism and they are having trouble staying balanced. I think this reaction is mainly a certain religious ignorance especially at the reasons for believing (or apologetic). Being ignorant that there are reasons to believe, then they are condemned to fideism. A little later, when they will attempt to question their faith with their reason, they have still not received a solid education regarding the reasons to believe they will try to do this using the rationalist and naturalist vision often received their education and opt for a vision rationalist. Finally, we can realize a significant portion of them, to the precariousness of his two spiritual positions, will simply become agnostic or atheist.

If you are getting your life in some balance on this issue, you are invited to share your solution with others via comment.


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