Sunday, December 26, 2010

Knightsbridge Collection Of Porcelain Dolls

relationship between faith and reason: Introduction

The ratio faith and reason has always been present in the history of Christianity. Any serious Christian happens at times when he questioned and wondered instead it should give reason and faith. Is that faith must be placed above the right? The content of faith personnel must be reasonable? Or should we stop thinking and just believe? Is there a way to believe while being reasonable?

I will not pretend to provide an absolute answer to all these questions in future articles. I believe it is up to each person to find in his life point where he considers it happened to a healthy relationship between faith and reason. Some people are more trusting and others need more reasons to believe.

What I want to present in future articles, these are the two to avoid deadlocks in the relationship between faith and reason. I call them dead ends, because I do not think they are heading for a healthy Christian life rewarding and fulfilling. In addition, each in their own way, they deprive humans of important facets of his being.

The two impasses:
- Rationalism
- The fideism

In the next section, we will begin with a reflection on rationalism.


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