Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Is The Tech Deck Slogan

4th Sunday of Advent A

Matthew 1, 18-24

is how the birth of Jesus Christ. Mary, the mother of Jesus, had been betrothed to Joseph, but before they came together, she was pregnant by the action of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband was a righteous man, did not publicly denounce And he decided to divorce her secretly.

What can we see the Blessed Virgin superior to other women? If it is not the mother of God, as argued by Nestorius, but only the mother of Christ or the Lord, what would be absurd to give the name of Mother of Christ to all mothers who have received the anointing of holy baptism. But the Blessed Virgin only among women is acknowledged and affirmed both virgin and mother of Christ, because it has not engendered an ordinary man, but the Word begotten of God the Father who became incarnate and became man. Maybe there be objected: Tell me, do you think that the Virgin has become the mother of the god: Here is our answer: The Word is born of God's substance, there has always been equal to his father without ever having had a beginning. He became flesh in these last days, that is to say that he has joined a body animated by a rational soul, and that is why we say it is also born of woman in the flesh. Our present birth quelqu'analogie with this mystery. Our mothers give to nature a bit of flesh which must be coagulated human form, and it is God who sends a soul in this matter. However, while our mothers are the mothers our bodies, they are regarded as having given birth to the whole man, not only the flesh. Something similar happened in the birth of Emmanuel. The Word of God is born of the substance of the Father, yet as he took human flesh and is made clean, we must recognize that it is truly born of a woman in the flesh, and as he really is God, how hesitate to proclaim the Blessed Virgin Mother of God? (St. Cyril: the monks of Egypt).

It was his intention, when the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: "Joseph, son of David, fear not not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: the child who is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit and she will give birth to a son and shalt call his name Jesus (that is to say:- Lord saves ") because he will save his people from their sins. "
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord said through the prophet:" Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, whom we will name Emmanuel, which means: God with us. "

These words of the prophet Isaiah 7, 14-16: Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the young woman is pregnant, she will bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel. He will eat curds and honey until they know to refuse evil and choose good. For before the child know to refuse evil and choose good, it will be abandoned, the land whose two kings you throw in terror.

Here's what we said Saint Jerome, translator of the famous Vulgate this passage from Isaiah: The prophet
prefaced his prediction of this preface: "God himself will give you a sign; it So this is something new and wonderful. But it is only a question of a young girl or young woman to give birth, not a virgin, where is the miracle? As the name indicates only the age and non-virginity. It is true that it is the Hebrew word which means Bethulia virgin, a word which is not in this prophecy, and is replaced by the word Halma, all the performers, with the exception of the Septuagint, translated by girl. - Now the Hebrew word Halma has a double meaning, because it means girl and which is hidden. Thus it includes not only a girl or a virgin, but a virgin who has never seemed hidden from sight, and on which his parents watch with great care. The Phoenician language, which originates from the Hebrew word Halma also gives the sense of virgin in ours, Halma means holy. The Hebrews use words that are found in almost all languages, and as far as I can see my memories, I do not remember the word Halma has been used only once to express a married woman he is always to designate a virgin, not a virgin any but a virgin still young, because he is of advanced age. However, it was still in its adolescence, or she was a virgin, while above that age where you're not ready to be married. (Catena Aurea 3122)

When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took with him his wife.


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