Monday, December 13, 2010

How Many Calories In A Sugar Cookies

God vs the rock (the paradox of omnipotence)

This afternoon, I had dinner with friends and one of them asked the following question: "Does God can create a stone he can not lift ? "Under this question, lurks the following reasoning seems to doubt the omnipotence (omnipotence) of God. On the one hand, it can create a stone he can not bear, it is not omnipotent because he can not lift it. On the other, if can not create the stone, so it is not omnipotent because that's something he can not create. How to resolve this dilemma? A bit like the dilemma of 'Euthyphro, this dilemma has a solution.

First I will try to show that, under the false dilemma lies mainly an error on what God is. God is pure spirit and therefore can not literally lift itself from material objects as we imagine our body where the strength of our muscles or machinery should be sufficient. The omnipotence of God must be consistent with his being. We can summarize this by: God can do whatever it is. Do not confuse what is impossible for creatures (us), and what is impossible in itself as within the non-being, nothingness. Take for example the following statements which do not limit his omnipotence, but rather the shows:
- God is Love, he can not hate
- God is Truth, he can not lie
- God is Just, it can not be unfair
This is understandable because if God had to be unjust, he would no longer be God.

Second, St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica, had already given the explanation that God could do that what was logical and therefore contains no contradiction. This means that if one tries to run to God is illogical statement is invalid and that does not deny the omnipotence of God as the being in question is absolutely not just accidentally while powerful. God can do all that is possible in the realm of being. For example, God could not create a square circle, because this is impossible.

In light of these two explanations, so I think this statement is a fallacy and not a real paradox that contradicts the omnipotence of God. If anyone knows a better explanation or want to try to to challenge this conclusion, you can always do it via comment.


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